You made SO many changes these last 3 months, sweet girl!
Lots of growing up happening:
You began to give many instructions during this phase; we lovingly refer to you as ‘bossy’ 😉 Some things you like to tell us: “Pick me up/Mommy up please/Daddy up please”; “I neeeeed it!”; “Share it!” which usually refers to snacks/food …
Your biggest success in the last 3 months has been potty training! You and Mommy started working together on Feb 10th and by the time about 4 weeks had passed, you nailed it. You are night-time and nap-time trained as well; you are a very willing learner, Miriam. You still have accidents once in a while and you resist having to stop to go pee/poop sometimes, but other than that, you are there! Way to be!
You are a little parrot when it comes to speaking; you repeat nearly everything we say. “Hippopotamus” was your first 5-syllable word (Feb 9th); we love your version of ‘fish’: “shif”! You’ve started putting sentences together really well. “No like it!”, “Mommy eggs all gone”, “Daddy at work”, and “Mommy show Miriam computer” are some examples. You like to ask, “What is that?” when you see something new. When we ask you where something is, you will say “I know where it is”. And most of the time, you’re right 😉 You asked ‘Why?!’ for the first time on April 6th.
You counted to ‘9’ on your own on Jan 20th. As of this post, you now count confidently and accurately to 10 and sometimes you’ll add “eleven, twelve, thirteen” to the end of it as well. You love to sing and say your ABC’s, and usually recruit someone around you to do it with you! In early March, you began to recognize the letters ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘L’, ‘P’, ‘M’, and ‘T’ (can you tell why?!) As we’ve worked with you this last month, you’ve added ‘F’ (you say, ‘F! Foo Fighters!’ to Mommy and Daddy’s delight, of course), ‘J’, and sometimes ‘W’ and ‘X’.
You are quite fond of music; you sing and play ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ on the piano for us. You recognize the Foo Fighters (you say “Dave!” when one of their songs come on) and you love to watch the movie ‘Wall-E’ before going to bed at night. Your current favorite shows are “Little Einsteins” and “Peppa Pig” 🙂
You have developed an affinity for horses and bunnies. You love water and ask often to go to the pool. You really enjoy being with others – playdates and gymnastics are the highlights of your week.
You love your brother and sisters. At night, Mommy always reminds you that you are “my sweet, brave, smart, beautiful Miriam”; to which you say, “Beautiful Aubry”, “Beautiful Bubba”, “Beautiful Lauryl”, “Beautiful Daddy” and “Beautiful Mommy” – you sometimes add Zeke or Levi or Zoe or Aunt Tricia! You have a sweet, sweet heart, Miriam.
Your second Easter experience was the end of March. We had a little hunt inside our house and that prepared you well for a big hunt at Mimi’s the next day. You loved every minute of hunting for the eggs and treats. 36 eggs, 3 plastic eggs, and a couple Easter baskets wore you out!
We also made a big change in your sleeping situation recently. We took the front rail of your crib off and made your first big girl bed! You are doing great with it; you haven’t fallen out yet and you are adapting to a new bedtime routine pretty well. We are still in the room with you for about 20 mins but overall you’re getting along without the rocking chair. We sing songs like “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep”, “Jesus Loves Me”, and “Row. Row, Row Your Boat” at bedtime; while you used to just listen, you are really starting to sing along in the last week or so. You’re growing up so fast!
Miriam, you are full of emotion and have started expressing it in words, not just body language. You’ll be playing and say, “I so happy!” or you’ll see Mommy make a sad face and say, “Mommy sad …”.
It’s such a joy and privilege to be your Mommy! Daddy and I agree that not a single day goes by that we don’t thank God for the honor and blessing of being your parents. We love you very much!