Miriam Elayne, you are one month old! Mommy and Daddy can’t believe a month has passed already! You are a wonderful baby … your favorite activities are eating and snuggling – you especially love laying on Mommy’s tummy to (get to) sleep and Daddy’s elbow-cradle snuggle-naps are one of your favorite times of day.
You had many visitors during your first month! Even from far away places like Colorado and New Mexico …
Your smiles are wide and varied. We love seeing all your funny faces!
You have even starting talking a bit, and you are starting to track a slow-moving object with your eyes. Recently, you graduated from NB diapers to Size 1; next week, we will begin using cloth diapers 🙂 Mommy and Daddy are excited to save money and be “green” with you.
You and I (and Daddy if we go in the evenings) have been taking walks almost every day since you were two days old. You look adorable in your BOB stroller and it is great prep for when you will soon be going for runs with Mommy and Daddy!
Your brother and sisters adore you as well. You enjoy having them hold you, feed you a bottle, and play with you on your giraffe playmat!
Miriam Elayne, your Daddy and I love you more than you could imagine! You are true joy to us and we pray that you will continue to grow healthy and strong. May this memoir be a love song to you from us!
You are our sweet, strong, beautiful, and brave Miriam! You are our beloved sunshine!
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