It’s your Golden Month!
And it’s been quite an award-winning ninth month 🙂
You are starting to learn to share. Daddy invented a game where he “steals” your binkie with his mouth and then you take it back 🙂 You think it’s pretty funny and it’s starting to transfer to other objects – you like to offer us toys now and then have them returned to you …
You are crawling super-fast as well as walking with help. Your new Robeez shoes are helping you a lot because of their flexibility and design; you like them and will leave them on for long periods of time. You have a strong fascination with shoes so we’re hoping having your own helps lessen the licks you give to other [dirty] shoes 😉 You pull up on everything as well as take great risks in letting go to sit down. We haven’t had any major accidents yet but I’m sure there’ll be bumps and bruises in your future.
Your chatter is nearly non-stop; your sounds are getting more diverse as well. You have started clicking your tongue, which is a super-cute sound coming from you 🙂 “Mmm’s” mean several things, including ‘more’, ‘momma’, and ‘I see something new or that I like’. You change your tone to communicate different desires and you’ve added “nnn’s” to your sounds this month. They are the precursor to your disagreement with something. Oh boy! #nohasalreadybegun
This month brought not just one, but TWO teeth – at the same time! We discovered your bottom two incisors on March 21st. You’ve really been pretty good about cutting teeth; just a bit more fussy at times and not sleeping as well/through the night sometimes. At first, you didn’t want to show us your teeth – you kept them covered with your tongue; I’m sure they felt strange to you. Now when you smile, we can see them on a pretty regular basis – they make you look so much more grown-up, which makes Mommy hug your baby-ness even more! I never want to forget how you feel as my baby girl!
This month, I got to be a part of my big sister Aubry’s baptism! It was so exciting to be there with her 🙂
You weigh in at about 18.5 lbs and 27″ long. You are eating like crazy, having added pasta, yogurt, and rice to your foods-tried list. You love all 3 of these but bananas do still seem to be your favorite food.
Imitation is another new skill you have acquired. Sounds that people and nature make, planes overhead, music – you like to try them all out with your own voice. It’s so fun to see you acquire language, Miriam!
Easter was April 5th this year; we went to Grandma Pam’s house and you did so well at hunting/picking up eggs! You received a cute hat from Great-Grandma Lila and a gorgeous polka-dot summer outfit and wooden blocks from Grandma Pam. Mommy and Daddy gave you a Royals onesie, a couple pairs of shoes, a toy phone, and a tee-shirt. Of course, there was candy but that didn’t matter much to you. YET!
Your sign for ‘milk’ is getting much stronger as well as for ‘more’. You use them about 75% of the time now. We’re working on waving hi/bye at correct times and nodding yes/no as an answer.
Miriam, you are changing and growing faster than Mommy can hardly document! My hope is that one day you will read this as a love letter from Mommy and Daddy … may you always know in your heart of hearts that you are our beloved sunshine!
Sweet Miriam, so many different and delightful things have happened this past month. So happy Grandma got to be on the receiving end for part of it. Love you bunches and bunches!