You’re in double digit months, Miriam! Wow, we got here so fast!
![My first selfie with sister Aubry!](
You had your first trip to the zoo this month; we visited the KC Zoo and you enjoyed the penguins as well as the Carousel.
![Bubba and I watching the penguins](
![Sissa and I at the Zoo!](
You are making great physical strides this month. Your strength shines through as you can now get off of your zebra by yourself, crawl SUPER-fast, and walk behind your push toy. You have learned to click your tongue – mostly when you are happy or enjoying something, and you do so while you walk 😉 #sodarncute
Here’s a cute video of you on your zebra:
Momma needs to relax, huh?? In my defense, that was the first time you were on the zebra and trying to get off on your own …
![Learning to walk!](
You love to show your joy through shrieks and laughter but you also love to flail. Yes. Flail. Your entire body moves, silent but intent, as you smile the biggest smile. We think of it as a temper tantrum but in the most positive way possible. This is one of your ways to show us your excitement or intensity towards something! You are full of joy, Miriam!
We have ventured into more new foods this month – avocados, tomatoes, and hummus (you don’t like this one yet). I’ve learned you will eat most cooked veggies if I make them. Gerber foods just won’t cut it for your refined taste buds.
You’ve discovered your tongue and like to buzz it between your lips. It’s very cute, and spitting is still socially acceptable at this age so … we encourage it 😉
You continue to discover what your voice can do – lots of slides and a new laugh have appeared. When Daddy or Bubba or Sissa, or even Tobie appear in your line of vision, you get SO thrilled!!! It’s contagious to hear you laugh – we all join in with you 🙂
You’re still working on getting more teeth (since the first two in March); lots of runny nose days and chewing on everything. Still, you are our sweet, sweet girl and are sleeping well despite the pain. You LOVE brushing your teeth already and we can only hope this will continue 😉
![Brusha, brusha!](
![I can make my eyebrows look the same as Mommy ;)](
![Flexy, Curly, Sleepy girl](
Your understanding of cause and effect is increasing every day. You like to prolong going to sleep by taking your binkie out of your mouth and ever-so-slowly reaching out to drop it on the floor. You can be quite impish sometimes. 😉 You notice when lights in the house or car go on/off and are beginning to connect light switches to the event. You have also started to put items into containers rather than simply remove them. Your awesome mind is creating so many synapses!
![At the Glass Labryinth with Bubba and Sissa while Daddy ran the Trolley Run](
We visited Aunt Heather and cousins Allison and Sam this month for a picnic lunch in Topeka. Much fun, dirt, and veggies were partaken in 😉
![Sam and I didn't really love staying ON the blanket ...](
![Could my cousin Allie be any cuter?!](
Miriam, there’s so much about you that we are proud of! Most of all, we love your gentle, snuggly nature coupled with your fierce enthusiasm for life. You are truly our sweet, brave, smart, and beautiful Miriam! Daddy and I love you so, so much <3
Miriam, you are learning and growing by leaps and bounds. I like your excitement and lovableness. Can’t imagine what all you will be doing in another month! Love, Gma
Thank you, Grandma! I’m excited too 🙂